Dominoni FREE SUN sunflower header has been designed to last in time and to minimise maintenance and repair work.
It can be installed on any kind of combine thanks to an adapter with adjustable inclination.
A HELICOIDAL REEL (patented) enables a continuous feeding.
The AUGER is very large in order to facilitate a regular supply.
Both the auger and the reel have WALTERSCHEID TORQUE LIMITERS.
The BELT TENSIONER, of great diameter, is designed to reduce the wear of the belt, which is maintained constantly tense by means of a spring.
A NOTCHED ROLLER (optional) placed under the cutting bar accelerates the dropping of flower heads and prevents the eradication of sunflower plants, increasing header performance.
Also available in the VERSION WITH CHOPPER. The chopper, of large diameter, is equipped with a suspension system that allows the sliding guides to exert a low pressure on the ground and enables the chopper to follow easily the ground conformation.